This past Tuesday, Hardcore-Punk band Stick To Your Guns brought their US tour to Columbia, and (much like their music), it was beautifully violent event. Out of respect for those that took trips to the hospital/the injured, and privacy of the moshers there will be no photos of the pit or outside of the venue.
This tour date was a fully packaged tour with no local/regional support.
Foreign Hands opened up the night with an extremely motivated and high energy set. Unfortunately, amongst all of the chaos of the night, I was unable to compose a photo gallery for their set. I give you my assurance they killed it, and you should definitely check them out.

Up next were Koyo. I have to admit, I personally slept on this band for far too long. I heard about them and have seen their name around but just never got around to checking them out until the past few months. I was extremely excited to see them live, and they absolutely did not disappoint. You could tell they were having a blast on stage and were really just happy to be there. They excelled in getting the remainder of the sold out crowd from the bar and door areas to the pit.
Fortunately for me, Taz let me come on stage and do a vocal feature for "Overstepping."
Unfortunately for you, that means no Belmont photo gallery. Next time come to the show.
Belmont killed it, they are as tight as ever, and always put on a banger of a show. Really need them to keep coming back to the Carolinas, as by looking at the crowd during their set, it is clear they have an extremely sizeable fanbase. Adding in their ties with Columbia, SC band Aim High, it makes sense(shameless plug).
Kublai Khan

Another band I've slept on for far too long, Kublai Khan (TX) may be too heavy for their own good(joke attempt). This band is really good and their shows are notorious for ending up bloody fast, and well, this date was no different. The 2 bigger injuries that occurred happened during this set, specifically (At no fault of the band, venue, or staff). At shows this heavy, people just get knocked out sometimes, as sad as this unfortunate truth may be, thats the game(shrug emoji). KK(TX) were full of energy and absolutely killed their set.
Tour Headliner and Hardcore powerhouse Stick To Your Guns is no stranger to playing this venue. The last time they came through was with Counterparts(such a sick show). Its good to see that many years into their careers' they still not only "have it" but are probably at their prime, still! Ive seen this band over 5 times and not once did they put on anything less than a 10/10 show. They always give it their all in everything they do, which is reflective of them playing this city as a support act a few years ago, and now playing it as they headline their own US tour with sizable bands supporting them(and selling out multiple dates, so far).
Make sure to catch this tour for any remaining dates and check out all of the aforementioned bands on the package.
Remaining Dates:
9-22 Jacksonville, FL
9-23 Tampa, FL
9-25 Birmingham, AL (Furnace Fest 2022)
9-27 Austin, TX
9-28 Dallas, TX
9-30 Phoenix, AZ
10-01 Anaheim, CA
Grab your tickets here: